Join The Executive Forum Business Networking
The group is serious about what we do and expect our members to help others, share information and referrals on their own and without quotas, and to take a proactive role in the organization. Active members take part in group committees. Members are required to attend 80% of the meetings.
Member Criteria
- Be a consummate professional in your discipline.
- Have a diverse range of contacts.
- Willingness to share leads under appropriate circumstances
Members enjoy the following benefits:
- All morning breakfast meetings for the year
- One spotlight presentation to the group
- A page on the website
- Right of refusal of a potential new member that may pose a conflict of interest with you
Membership in the Executive Forum is:
- $575 per calendar year ($625 if not received by January 31st)
Dues are prorated as follows:
- May 31 – August 31: $300
- September 1 – November 30: $200
Members find that the membership is an excellent value that pays for itself many times over in the relationships cultivated and the business generated through the network.
For questions, contact:
David Richman
914-422-0100 x13
To determine if the group is right for you, you are encouraged to attend two Executive Forum meetings and meet with other members of the group (particularly the Executive Committee). You would then submit your application for membership which must be approved by the Executive Committee and then by the general membership.
Application Procedure & Approval Process
- Candidate meets member criteria.
- Candidate attends two meetings and meets with other members of the group.
- Candidate submits Membership Application.
- Application is reviewed by the Executive Committee.
- Upon Executive Committee approval, application is emailed the general membership. If no negative responses are received, the Applicant is approved.
- New member is sent New Member Welcome Email.
- Membership is sent notice that the member was approved.